Hello. My name is Mary. I am an alcoholic. Glad to be here and glad to be sober. By the grace of God, on February 10, 2003 I will have 13 years of continuous sobriety.
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I’ll always remember January, 2001, when my wife caught me on the Internet looking at pornography. It was a Sunday and our 29 year anniversary.
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Addictions come in many different forms: alcohol, sex, pornography, drugs, gambling, food, and nicotine.
Freedom from Addiction Services
This site contain sermons and Scripture readings for use in a service relating to addictions and life-controlling habits.
Click here to find out more.
Tobacco Quit Line
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Freedomfromaddiction.net was created in partnership with Seattle-King County Department of Public Health.

This website has two audiences. We hope that Pastors will use the site to build their own church services geared toward helping those struggling with addictions and life-controlling habits. Across Puget Sound, on March 16, 2003, churches will be emphasizing help and support to those with addictive issues. We also hope people with addictions will find helpful the testimonies and links to sites where help is available.
Why Do People Get Hooked?
Imagine you are taking a slug of whiskey. a puff of a cigarette. A toke of marijuana. A snort of cocaine. A shot of heroin. Put aside whether these drugs are legal or illegal. Concentrate, for now, on the chemistry. The moment you take that slug, that puff, that toke, that snort, that shot, trillions of potent molecules surge through your bloodstream and into your brain. Once there, they set off a cascade of chemical and electrical events, a kind of neurological chain reaction that ricochets around the skull and rearranges the interior reality of the mind.
Read more of this article.
Freedom from Smoking!
"After giving my life to the Lord while teaching Sunday school, He convicted me of smoking. I asked for prayer and was delivered. I had been smoking one and a half packs a day for 10 years. I have had no desire for cigarettes since and that was fifty years ago. Praise the Lord!!!"
- Margaret
Protect yourself and your family from second hand smoke. Click here to find eight ways to avoid and preventsecond hand smoke.
Inernet Resource Spotlight
Prodigals International is helping men and women find freedom from sexual addictions, helping couples heal and helping train churches to establish sexual addiction recovery ministries.

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